Career opportunities come and go. Read on for five top tips on creating your own career opportunities. Whether we work at a company, run our own businesses or lead our households we all have careers. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about seeking and managing opportunities for my own career. As an HR expert and Coach I’ve also helped others to pursue their career opportunities. When I left university I was conscious that I entered a world where my parents’ social network wouldn’t land me a job like some of my studying peers. I had to start from...
Top tips if you’re coming to a Lucky Things event on your own
TOP TIPS FOR GOING TO EVENTS ON YOUR OWN June 6, 2017 Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, many of us can feel a bit nervous or unsure about going to events on our own. They may be events where ten other people are going or maybe hundreds will be there. What I call event anxiety is a very normal feeling. If you haven’t already seen it, don’t forget to check out my blog on top tips on networking. I’ve had to attend events on my own for lots of different reasons. Through my own experience of attending a variety of events in my...
Top tips to deal with imposter syndrome
TOP TIPS TO DEAL WITH IMPOSTER SYNDROME September 27, 2017 Imposter syndrome is all about doubting your own skills, strengths and talents. You can even make yourself believe that you’re not good enough as others. You may feel like a fraud when you’re trying to hustle through your work, business or other priorities. So here’s some tips to deal with imposter syndrome. It’s an everyday thing…Imposter syndrome can pop in our heads on an everyday level, whether we’re working for companies, freelancers, looking after our families, running our own businesses or leading our households. It affects our career, our confidence...